Episode 88 – Coffee N.5 – From Being A Dreamer To A Successful Achiever with James Whittaker
We are so excited to have business management specialist and author of bestselling finance and motivation book The Beginner’s Guide to Wealth James Whittaker. James works as a mentor for C-level executives, helps them map out their goals, and provides the necessary tools for them to reach their targets. He’s also the host of the Win the Day podcast, where he interviews different entrepreneurs in over 80+ episodes.
James defines success as having the freedom to structure the day however you want and having the resources to do so. But he also believes that surrounding yourself with the right people plays a big role in whether or not you achieve your goals. Above all, he says, you should be clear on who you are in order to stay motivated and know where you want to go.
According to him, what separates ordinary from extraordinary people is how you respond to adversity. Although they won’t be immune to making mistakes, achievers will have a resilient mindset that will lead them to get closer to their goals.
One great piece of advice he gives to want-to-be entrepreneurs is building strong relationships, as you never know when you’re going to need honest feedback or a favor. But first, he says, you should make yourself available to help the people on your network.
What you’ll learn:
- How can we define success?
- What are the main traits of an achiever?
- What is the importance of building strong relationships via networking?
- Why is social media a necessary evil for business owners?
Connect with James on Instagram and through his Website
Listen to his podcast here.
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