Learn How a Simple Change Can Increase Your Revenue 30% with Micaela Passeri of Love Your Revolution

Episode 58 – Coffee N. 5 – Business Performance Coach

The strategy is not the only important thing when starting a business, the emotional triggers, and the hard work have the same value. Knowing yourself and how to manage your emotions is the key to knowing how to respond in critical situations. Micaela Passeri, Founder and CEO of Love Your Revolution, puts her business degree, experience, and many certifications to help entrepreneurs open their heart to more financial abundance with strategic monetization and sales structure implementation. She is an award-winning Emotional Intelligence and business performance coach and reveals some tips on how to be a successful entrepreneur.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Keys to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • How to manage your emotions and the emotional triggers, these are the foundations to personal and business success, controlling your emotions knows how to respond in critical situations explained Micaela. 
  • How to convert a free event/service to a paid client.  
  • The first steps of becoming an entrepreneur. Micaela says the most important thing is to know what you want and where you want to go. 
  • How to scale our business. It’s all about strategy!
  • Emotional intelligence and leadership skills. 
  • The compounding effect. 
  • 3 tips to be a successful entrepreneur.

If you want to learn more about Micaela, visit her social media. 

Instagram: @micaelapasseri1

Facebook: Micaela Passeri

Linkedin: Micaela Passeri

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Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado

Instagram: @laraschmoisman

Facebook: @LaraSchmoisman

LinkedIn: @laraschmoisman

Twitter: @LaraSchmoisman