Patrick McGinnis: What the Heck is FOMO and Who Came Up With It

Patrick McGinnis

Some say that the secret to a well-balanced life is a cup of coffee in one hand and a good book in the other. On today’s episode we have Patrick McGinnis as a guest, who is an expert in finding that balance. Author of the international bestseller “The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job” and host of the hit podcast FOMO Sapiens, Patrick shares with us his journey to become a venture capitalist, writer and speaker who has no fear of reinventing himself.


  • How Social Media has had an impact on the FOMO phenomenon
  • The importance of not comparing your behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.
  • How Patrick coined the term FOMO. 
  • How to find the power to choose what you actually want in business and life.
  • How to stop wasting time on little decisions that don’t matter. 

If you want to know more about Patrick McGinnis you can follow him on Instagram or visit his website. You can also check out his latest book: Fear of Missing Out: Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice.

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Lara Schmoisman, CEO & Founder of The Darl and Marketing Simplificado