The Business of Selling Yourself with Morris Sims

Episode 65 – Coffee N.5 – The Business of Selling Yourself with Morris Sims

Morris Sims is the CEO of Sims Training and Consulting. Before that, he left his career of engineering after five years and dove head-first into the world of sales. He spent 32 years with New York Life Insurance Company and retired as the VP and Chief Learning Officer in the Agency Department. Join us as Morris discusses the importance of knowing how to sell yourself and your product/company in every situation. He shares with us the value of getting to know your customer, building credibility, and the importance of understanding your “Why.”

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Morris shares the importance of caring about people and providing solutions as opposed to pushing products. 
  • Morris shares the different roles of a salesperson. 
  • Morris discusses the 5 Critical Questions any business person must answer to achieve success
  • Morris defines marketing and prospecting. 

For more information about Morris Sims and Sims Training and Consulting, check out his website here.

Download Morris Sim’s free audio to learn how to grow your business here 

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