Unleashing the Power of Inner Beauty with Michelle Emmick

Episode 127 – Coffee N5 – Unleashing the Power of Inner Beauty with Michelle Emmick

It’s time to dive into the glamorous (yet controversial) world of plastic surgery! In this jaw-dropping episode, I get the inside scoop with none other than Michelle Emmick, best-selling author of Blue-Collar Beauty and Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach and co-founder of Ask Us Beauty Magazine
With 20 years of experience in the medical aesthetics field, Michelle spills the beans on how her purpose-driven platform is revolutionizing the industry with a mission to educate, empower, and also inspire to make informed decisions that unleash the true beauty within.

We’ll talk about:

  • How a marketing budget can mislead the plastic surgery consumer
  • Discover plastic surgery red flags to look out for from a 20-year expert
  • Why plastic surgery costs vary between doctors
  • The importance of scheduling several consultations before plastic surgery

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About Michelle Emmick

Michelle Emmick spent 20 years of her career working in the field of medical aesthetics as a sales and operations leader. Seeing a critical need in the market for transparency when it came to elective procedures, in 2018 Michelle co-founded MyCoachMD, a virtual consultation platform that provided consumers education and support prior to having a cosmetic procedure. She shared her experiences inside her Best-selling book, Blue-Collar Beauty, Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach.  
Off the success of her book, Michelle also wanted to expand her message and challenge the mainstream by promoting truth, transparency, and a positive message that showcases beauty in all its forms. In 2021, Michelle co-founded Ask Us Beauty, a quarterly digital and print magazine with content designed to educate, empower, and inspire individuals on all things beauty and wellness. Whether it’s through products, services, procedures, or personal brands, Ask Us Beauty brings together people of all backgrounds to share their stories, experiences, and beauty on their own terms.