Email marketing is still as important as ever. However, you have to do a lot more to get your emails seen. People are often signed up for countless mailing lists. You want people to open your emails out of all the others they scroll through each day. You also want to make sure you’re getting people to sign up for your mailing list, but at the same time, you want people who are truly interested in your emails. Remember, you’re going for quality, not quantity! Here are some tips.
Getting email contacts
You’ll need to get new email contacts every once in a while. Running an ad campaign is a good strategy to bring in new readers. You’ll need something to entice people to sign up for your newsletter. This can be in the form of a PDF or e-book relative to your services. For example, if you sell beauty products, a PDF on the 5 Best Makeup Tools You Probably Don’t Have or an e-book guide to How to Determine your Ideal Nightly Beauty Routine would be good ways to attract email subscribers (and potentially future customers!). Running a contest or giveaway, and requiring someone give their email to enter is another great way to collect email addresses. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re giving people something of value in exchange for their email addresses.
Subject line
You need catchy subject lines in order to get people to open your emails. One way is to ask a question you know your readers will want answered. (“What is my TOP piece of advice for new runners?”) Or try creating suspense (“I just had to share this with you!”) If you’re emailing an offer or sale, that should be your subject line. You can even personalize your subject line, using the recipient’s name.
Personalize your emails
Your email contacts will feel much more likely to connect with you if you personalize your emails to them. Start off with greeting them by their name (or, as stated above, use their name in the email subject). Avoid sounding too fake, however. For example, no, “Hey Cathy! I specifically thought of YOU when I was writing this email!” Everyone knows these emails go out to all subscribers!
Call to action
Getting your contacts to open and read your emails is all well and good, but you want to convert your readers into clients, too. So have a call to action at the end of your emails. Whether that’s leading them to a relevant product, inviting them to check out a blog post or social media post of yours, or taking them to a landing page of a new program you’re running, you need to lead your readers to take an actionable step.
Interested in all this but confused as to where to start? Or do you just not have the time and would like help managing all the minutiae of your business? Check out how we at The Darl can help you with email marketing and so much more.